Angels for

Create a connection to the Angels for more guidance, grace, and love in your life.
We need our Angels now, MORE THAN EVER!

Angels have one sole purpose, and that is to help and support us. They can make our path a little easier, comfort us, and protect us. Because Angels work at a very high frequency, they are able to do so by connecting to our conscious and subconscious minds to show us the path in a variety of ways that relate to us.

While Angels have the power to connect with us when we need them, they operate under the Universal Law of Non-Interference. This simply means they are not allowed to help us unless we ask for their aid.

We can do this in many different ways. The most effective way we can reach out to these higher beings is by tuning in and channeling with tools like Angel Meditations. 

Angel Meditations

There are many ways you can use the Angel Meditations to soften the burden of everyday life and access more equanimity and healing in your life. You can use them to enhance your manifestation powers, accelerate the self-healing processes in your body, calm your mind, and strengthen your connection to the angelic realm. No challenge or issue of yours is too stupid, “embarrassing” or irrelevant for your Divine helpers. Please never hesitate to ask them for help.

 "I listened to the meditation and felt absolute bliss, peace, and love unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before."

-Jennifer Hudye

Angels for Empowerment

This package includes 12 channeled Angel Meditations to support you in specific areas of your life when you need it most.

PLUS, receive our bonus guidebook for FREE, written with love and packed full of the history of each Angel, how each Angel can help you everyday, and symbolism associated with each Angel to help you connect fully to these incredible beings. 

Meet Your Angels:

Archangel Anael - "The Joy of God"
Archangel Chamuel - Angel of Peaceful Relationships
Archangel Jophiel - Patron Angel of Artists
Archangel Metatron - Angel of Life
Archangel Michael - Angel of Protection
Archangel Mihr - Angel of Friendship
Archangel Ooniemme - Angel of Gratitude
Archangel Paschar - Angel of Vision
Archangel Ramaela - Angel of Joy
Archangel Raphael - Angel of Healing
Archangel Uriel - Angel of Wisdom
Your Guardian Angels - Angels Devoted to Your Comfort & Protection

Grab your Angels for Empowerment Meditation Package for just €199 €88!

Grab Yours Here and Start Connecting Today!

 The best ways to use the Angel meditations are:

Take a Power Break throughout the day and listen to the meditation you feel drawn to; lunch breaks or afternoon naps are perfect times for this and you will notice how much more energy you have if you give your body and mind that little rest. 

Use the Angel meditations to find peace and clarity throughout the day and listen to the meditation you feel drawn to; lunch breaks or afternoon naps are perfect times for this and you will notice how much more energy you have if you give your body and mind that little rest.

Have the meditations playing quietly in the background while you’re working, playing or taking care of your home to feed your brain with empowering messages (don’t listen to them while driving or operating machinery, please). Many of our listeners have reported how much more peaceful their home/workplace atmosphere has become since they “have the Angels playing”.

Use them as a good night story to go to sleep with or put them on at a barely audible level to train your brain at night while you sleep; we call this: Sleep Programming. It’s a powerful way to train your brain to be more aligned with your desires as it allows you to reprogram the unconscious mind and release limiting beliefs, trauma and stress. And many report how sleeping with our meditations and brain trainings has improved their quality of sleep, and allows them to wake up feeling more energized. 

Dr. Joy Martina

Celebrity Angel Channeler

Dr. Joy Martina is a psychic psychologist and Angel Celebrity Coach with an otherworldly ability to ‘see’ what you don’t even see in yourself, turn deep seated limiting belief on its head and offer swift transformation so that you can claim your power and start living the life you were meant to live. 

Joy’s methods are decidedly a little woo, yet based in tangible science backed results. She commands crowds worldwide into the thousands, proving that woo works! While she takes her work very seriously, she always leads with the objective of having fun, creating joy and spreading love. 

Joy has authored 7 books including her most recent bestseller, “How to Use Your Intuition to Change Your Life.” She has spent decades researching Intuition and uses this as the guiding force for the transformative work she does to help others step into their truth and create a life in alignment with their highest good.

“Your voice is an angel voice. While I was using this meditation, I fell asleep. I’m so grateful to you both that in 3 days, I really think that life is great! I cannot explain what is happening inside of me, but I only can say thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you for being part of my life. love you both.”

- Nancy

Grab your Angels for Empowerment Meditation Package for just €199 €88!

Grab Yours Here and Start Connecting Today!
And, if you haven't already, grab your FREE Angel Meditation here:

"I have experienced Joy & Roy Martina in a session. I am very impressed with their methods. I really encourage you to work with them. I’ve done work with them and it’s really quite phenomenal!"

-Jack Canfield (Originator of the 100 million-copies-sold of Chicken Soup for the Souls® series)
